Flax Seeds are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids. The omega oils found in Flax Seeds help the body to maintain balanced levels of omegas 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. Additionally, Flax Seeds are low in carbohydrates which makes them beneficial for foods that require low levels of starches and sugars. Flax Seed Extract has been used in creams and gels as a moisturizer and for smoothing the skin.
Grapefruit Essential Oil has a wide variety of applications in the world market. It is a concentrated extract from cold pressing the rind and bitter components of grapefruits. This oil has been used for maintaining healthy digestive function and also as a stimulant. Grapefruit Essential Oil can also be used in cleaning products and even works as an effective natural insecticide among many other nutraceutical and industrial applications.
Lemons hold many nutritional benefits for the body. They work as natural alkalizers, helping to balance the pH of the body and contain high levels of vitamin C and flavanoids which support the body’s immune system. Lemons also help support healthy digestive function. Lemon juice is a useful disinfectant to help with the healing of surface scrapes and cuts.
Limes can be used to help digestive issues and treat nausea. Lime Oil can be applied to the skin as a disinfectant and used as a stimulant. Lime Oil is also used in cosmetics as a fragrance application and as a fixative. It is used as a flavoring for desserts, drinks, pickles, jams, confectionaries, soaps, deodorants, mouth washes, and many other products. The vitamin C and flavanoids in Lime Oil provides antioxidant properties that help support vision, digestion, and many other body concerns. Its applications are numerous.
Oregano essential oil is used as a surface disinfectant among numerous other applications. Oregano is rich in phenols, antioxidants that attach to free radicals within the body. Oregano essential oil is also known to help support lymphatic circulation and boost immunity.Mint Essential Oil can be used in a range of applications ranging from food applications to cosmeceutical and even in industrial applications. This ingredient serves a variety of purposes in the global market for its strength, stimulating effects, and minty flavor.