Wheat is rich in nutrients, including manganese, fiber, tryptophan and magnesium. Wheat fiber holds not only concentrated amounts of fiber, but also protein, iron, niacin, and phosphorus. It is low in fat and contains no cholesterol, sugar, or sodium. Wheat gluten is a great resource for concentrated protein and to add elasticity to baked goods. It also can be used as a binding agent in a variety of meat products.
Vanilla Extract
Vanilla Extract contains many antioxidant properties. The main chemical component in these beans is vanillin, but they also contain eugenol, caproic acid, phenoles, alcohols, carbonyl compounds, and ester among others. Many of the vitamins present in vanilla beans (including B-6, niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin) help assist with enzyme synthesis, healthy nervous system function and regulating body metabolism. Green Source Organics’ natural Vanilla Extract is available in several concentrations to accommodate any needs for products.
Yucca Schidigera
One of the largest concerns in animal growth operations is the management of their waste. The USDA has claimed that waste material such as manure, urine and bedding is the single major source of environmental damage from enclosed animal production.